After 21 days of no electricity, my spirit and energy levels are beginning to sag.  The supply of glo sticks has vanished, candles are now stubs, and the cost of fuel for 3 weeks of generator usage has surpassed our monthly rent.  Trying to remember all that needs to be accomplished (and striving to accomplish it)  in the short amount of time we run the generator each day is exhausting.  Being a missionary does not mean that we wear our prayer-card-smiles every day.  We get frustrated, tired, depressed, and discouraged, just as the Apostle Paul did.  We would love for a day to run smoothly.  But do you know what smooth sailing does?  It lulls you to sleep.  Rough seas cause you to be more alert and aware of the One Who is in control.  The waves remind you to be thankful for the smallest blessing in the journey.     

And so my prayer of late has been, "Lord, I just ask for one little blessing each day to focus on."  Today I was blessed by the close relationship Skyler and Savannah shared throughout the morning.  Usually, Skyler finds every possible way to get a squeal out of his youngest sister, so I was standing back in awe as he insisted on brushing her hair for her (not an easy thing for her to endure with her natural curls).  After admiring his fine work of art (ok...I added a little bit of help lest she be mistaken for a sheep dog), he put his arm protectively around her shoulders as they walked off to find some adventure to partake of (a picture moment, for sure).    They fixed puzzles together, reviewed school charts companionably, and explored the yard in agreeable wonder.  God isn't content with putting just a drop of a blessing in our cups; He has promised to make them run over.  Watching these two blessings bond together in brother-sister love...Thank You, God!  Your eye is on the sparrow, and I know You care for me.


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