October brings our last birthday in our family for the year.  I think this is the first time Savannah has ever had foil balloons, so she was elated when we presented her with two.

Furlough is my break from making birthday cakes, so Savannah's "cake" was a pile of fudge marshmallow cookies - something my children have never had.

On our last visit to Keith's parent's house, we took advantage of their fire pit and enjoyed roasting hotdogs and marshmallows.  We have so much enjoyed our time with them.

October is a busy month for missions conferences, and we thoroughly enjoyed the many meetings we were at.  After finishing in California, we drove back to Austin, Texas to be a part of our home church's conference.  So many of our home missionaries were there, and it was a very exciting time getting fed from God's Word.

Being back in Austin, we were able to see Shane and Stanley and have some good times with them.  One late evening all the kids gathered around my computer to watch their Grandpa Stensaas' testimony that was put together by Lancaster Baptist Church and shown at their missions conference.  I encourage you to watch it for yourself at this link.

Savannah has replaced Shane as our outgoing furloughing child, and she has made friends in every place.  Of course, missionary kids seem to gravitate to each other, and they seem to breathe a sigh of relief in finding someone who truly understands them.

One of the church's we were at invited us to be a part of their homeschool day at Sea World, so our children got to visit there for the first time.  It was a perfect day with more memories added to our travels.

Good-byes are never easy, especially to your own children.  It has been so much fun seeing the siblings interact, and it was hard leaving Shane and Stanley behind again.  Please pray for them and us as we continue to travel.


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