Although it is March Madness in the basketball world, I am grateful that we instead enjoy the marvelousness of serving God.

Wall decorations of "What God Is"
Last week in the Ladies Sunday School class, I finished our 26-week study of the attributes of God using the A-B-Cs.  Coming to the end of a series is like saying "good-bye" to a friend.  I really enjoy teaching.

This was the kiddie pool.  It was so warm that it felt like a jacuzzi!
 (Shae-Lynn, Savannah, & Skyler)
For nearly three weeks we have been experiencing temperatures in the 90s.  While this isn't unusual for other parts of Uganda, it is unusual for us to have weeks of high temperatures.  We decided to take a family day and go swimming.  Our first choice of swimming is at a Danish guest house.  However, when we got there, the pool was occupied.  We went to our second choice which was a motel.  The pool was emptied for repairs.

Shiloh standing on Keith, who is being supported with floats.
We thought these were our only two options here in Masaka.  Then Keith remembered that another motel had been in the process of building a pool, so we decided to see if they had completed theirs.

Look at the size of this pool!  The building behind it will become a workout gym.
God had chosen to close the doors of our first two choices to give us something better.  Although the cost was a little more, the pools were very nice, and we enjoyed several hours of fun.

Styler with football.  Stanley in red shirt.  Shiloh in blue shirt.
Every week the missionaries here in Masaka get together for football and fellowship (those who don't desire to play can fellowship, instead).  We are very blessed to have this opportunity for our boys to get some physical exercise, and we are thankful for the family who opens up their home for SO many people.

Shiloh in blue shirt.  Keith in Longhorn shirt.
We began today with a very welcomed rainstorm at about 4:00 this morning.  It was wonderful hearing the rain and feeling the cool air.  It did cause our attendance to be lower in church, but we are grateful for the two visitors that still came.  We, also, had a baby dedication for baby Martha that was born several weeks ago.

Keith holding Martha, then her parents Vincent and Generous,
and her sisters Abigail, Ruth, Esther, Sarah
It has been a great week of serving God and enjoying friends and family.  We look forward to another week of service...and hopefully more rain!


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