Teaching is very rewarding.  Not only do I have the privilege of sharing God's Word with hungry souls, but I always learn so much, too.  For several years I taught our Children's Church and our Ladies Sunday School, but then our schedule changed, so I now just have the ladies.  I really can't decide which I like to teach better - the children or the ladies. I love them both!

In the midst of teaching one series, I am always on the look-out for what I will be teaching next.  When we were about halfway through our study of The Women in Proverbs, I decided that Lessons from Creation would be our next series using many of the devotionals from Julia Bettencourt. Room decorations are non-existent in Uganda, so everything must be made from scratch (very much like the meals).  However, since Keith took our son to the States in May, one request I made was for him to bring some decorations to fit my theme.  To our home church ladies, I say, THANK YOU!  Several ladies sent things to hang up that were perfect.  When my ladies walked into the newly decorated classroom, they couldn't stop thanking me for the new look.  They are enjoying it so very much.

This week, we talked about "Apples of Gold" from Proverbs 24:11.  We had a snack of apples, our lesson concerning our words (Appropriate, Pleasant, Pure, Lovely, Encouraging, and Soft), a drawing for three apple gifts, and a guessing game of how many times the Bible mentions the tongue, mouth, words, and lips.  The 18 ladies had a really good time.

Other creation topics I will be covering in the coming weeks will include wind, butterflies, roses, birds, flies, trees, ladybugs, frogs with lily pads (Fully Rely On God), lemons, and sunflowers.  If you have any ideas that would help in teaching, I gladly welcome them.  I want to make each week memorable for these ladies who are hungry for God's Word.


  1. Hello! Wonderful post! I really like you the way you made an acrostic out of the word apple! I have stumbled across your blog via a lady that I follow ~arctic adventures carole shull~ and I absolutely love your blog! And now am a follower! Just thought I'd let you know :)

    Sarah Ortiz ~ www.theortizs.blogspot.com~


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