To my own dear dad, Willis Ward, I am thankful for the many memories we have made and for the wonderful times we spent together during our recent furlough.  One of my favorite memories growing up that I like to share with my children is how you and I would go to Dairy Queen for a treat on the nights that my mom would be at Ladies Bible Study.  I looked forward to those Tuesday nights, and I still love ice cream!  Happy Father's Day!

Christmas 2011

To my dear father-in-law, Bryan Stensaas, I am thankful for the boy you raised up to be my husband.  I have enjoyed 19 years as part of the Stensaas family and have loved serving in the same country as y'all.  Between cookie dough and homemade ice cream, you have definitely influenced us for the better.  Happy Father's Day!

Our present to him from our furlough.

To the father of our six blessings, Keith Stensaas, I am thankful that God saw fit to bring us together as a family.  You have been a godly example to our children and have desired to train them up in the way that they should go.  You take time to play with them, work with them, and then treat them to sodas and ice cream.  Happy Father's Day!

My seven blessings!

I love each of you, and thank God for the influence you have had on my life and many others.


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