Thank you to all who have prayed for us.  We arrived safely in Uganda with ALL of our luggage.  Praise the Lord.  It is nice to be home.  Our church provided us a nice welcome-back meal on Sunday, and we enjoyed seeing everyone again.

It will take us about a month to get settled in.  We need to paint the entire interior of the house, as well as make repairs, unpack (we had totally packed up our house before our furlough), and restock our cupboards.  Pineapple and bananas were at the top of our list of what we missed about Uganda, and in just two days we have eaten three pineapples and four hands of sweet bananas.  You really should come see us, if only for these to two fruits.

Several of us have suffered with the cold/flu, so we covet your prayers concerning our health.  The children are lending help in painting, unpacking, sorting, and cleaning.  We are taking a couple of weeks off from school, but I think they would almost welcome some school work after two days of manual work.

One of the beautiful things of being on the mission field is having a continual awareness of being thankful for "little" things. Our electricity was scheduled to be off Monday night, and it did turn off around its scheduled time. Keith & I had taken a one-day trip to the capitol for a massive grocery shopping day (moving back into one's house after a year is like getting married - everything has to be purchased). I started praying and told the kids to pray that electricity would return so that the food would not spoil. IT DID! During the middle of the night, it went off again, but once again, it came on after some time.  The schedule this month is for it to be off from 6pm - 6 am on the even days, and then off all day every third day.  (This is something that we DIDN'T miss while in America.)  Although the electric company comes up with a schedule, this doesn't mean that those are the only times it will be off.  I think they make a schedule more for an explanation of when it is off, they can blame it on "load shedding" (turning one section of the country off to supply electricity to another part). Something that we discovered today when we had an electrician here to help us fix some electrical problems was that our neighbor had tapped into our security lights that are on our compound wall and was using our electricity.  No wonder our bill has been higher than other people and why our back-up batteries weren't lasting as long!

Many of you have promised to come see us in Uganda in the near future, so we are looking forward to your visit. Have a great week!


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