Our official count down for departure began on Wednesday at the 100 day mark.  Never before have we looked forward to furlough like we have this term.  Usually we are dragging our feet and refusing to look at a calendar, but both Keith and I have felt the need for a break.  But as we prepare to leave, I look around and am reminded of all of the blessings I am going to miss.  So, I have decided to make note of one thing each day and will try to include them in my posts.

Mom & Dad, Alisha, Keila and Matt

The Lord blessed us with a great family Thanksgiving get-together.  Thanksgiving day was beautiful with a bright sun and warm weather.  Keith's family met us at the private swimming pool of our friends, where we enjoyed a spaghetti lunch between the splashes of water.  Our actual Thanksgiving meal was on Friday.  We didn't fix turkey, but the two chickens I found were big enough to be considered turkeys.  And the ham was so delicious!  The afternoon was spent outdoors playing a bean bag toss game, football, and wrestling.  And no Stensaas-get-together is complete without ice cream, so with the supper leftovers we enjoyed homemade ice cream.

Shiloh, Skyler (face hidden), Shae-Lynn, Shane helping Kirsten, and Kendra

When the families left Saturday morning, the kids worked quickly to get the house cleaned and the Christmas tree up before Keith returned from soul winning.  I think I have an invisible elf who keeps redecorating the tree.  Almost daily, I find the ornaments rearranged - usually several grouped together on the same branch.

Alisha and Mom.  Shiloh and Stanley in the background
Savannah and Kirsten

Wednesday we had a young man arrive who will be staying with us through Monday.  He is actually in Uganda visiting another missionary, but since we stayed with his family during our last furlough, he had a desire to make a short visit to see us.  The kids have really enjoyed Ben playing with them and lending a hand with their chores, too.

Shane, Keith's body w/o his head, Marcus, Skyler and Stanley

Last night for ladies soul winning, we saw seven saved!  Hallelujah!  Afterwards, the Petersen family joined us for basketball and supper.  We had a great time together. 

Grace Christian School

Today was the last day of Grace Christian School and the day for our orphans to return to their relatives for a month of holiday.  The end-of-the-year program went very well, and we are thrilled at the growth we have seen in them.  This past week I have been receiving many notes from the girls.  I will certainly miss them while they are gone. 

The older orphans learned the basics of violin this term

After our Sunday morning service we will be going to our Kyotera orphanage to see their program and also to be a part of the church ordaining a deacon.  Monday will find us in Kampala, and then we will return on Wednesday when we will start our Missions Conference.  Please be in prayer for these many activities. 

I couldn't resist including this photo of Keith.  Everyone is telling me that I have found a new husband.  He is saying he needs another 2 inches taken in on his trousers.  I'm so proud of his perseverance.

Blessings (I will be counting backwards to stay in sync with our departure days):

#100: The weather - Masaka has beautiful weather, rarely going out of the 80's. 

#99: The soul winning - Most of the time our door knocking is done at the back doors where people are sitting outside fixing their evening meal or working in the gardens.  They are always quick to bring out a grass mat or bench for us to sit down and talk with them, and they frequently gather neighbors or other family members to listen.

#98: Our orphans - Anything we do for them, they are sure to thank us at the first opportunity.  This term I took special interest in one girl who seemed to always be in trouble, and she has now become my shadow.  Others are known for their smiles or for their servant's hearts.  Each one is so special. 


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