It is very rare that we are away from our home for more than a couple of days at a time, so when we returned to Masaka yesterday from an 8-day absence - - oh...Home Sweet Home!  It had been about seven years since we last visited the ministries in Soroti, so there were many changes that we saw during our visit.  We were blessed by the hospitality of the Pittmans and enjoyed the fellowship of all of the missionaries there. 

Cool Princesses - Savannah & Micayla Pittman
It is amazing how different one town can be from another, although they are in the same country.  Because Soroti is flat, bicycles (or boda-bodas) are the main public transportation.  Here in Masaka, motorcycles (or piki-pikis) are used because of our hilly terrain.  We saw just as many women as men riding bicycles up there, while down here it is socially unacceptable for women to pedal a bicycle, although they do ride "side-saddle" when being transported.  Most of the people in the Soroti area are tall, while our population is of average height.  Everyone we spoke with during our short visit could speak English, even in the village; but the elderly people and those living in the deep villages of our area do not know English.  Trying to sing in the Ateso language for church was difficult as the dialect is totally different from our Luganda.  The majority of homes in the villages around Soroti are mud huts with grass roofs.  While we do have many mud huts, most of ours have tin roofs.

Thank you for your prayer for us.  Shiloh had one episode while we were in Soroti where his glucose levels kept dropping despite our giving him additional sugar.  It seemed to take an extra large amount to get his blood sugar normalized, but God was with us and guided us in wisdom. 


  1. Love the picture of your very cool princesses! What cute, little dolls!


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