Having been to 28 states in 7 months time, our family is so ready to return home. Despite the many miles, though, we have also been extremely blessed in our travels. We were in 5 missions conferences right in a row, and, wow, how well we were treated! Far better than we deserve. One particular blessing I would like to mention is that of gift cards. Within the last several weeks, we have been given 4 gift cards. Stanley has had a growth spurt and had outgrown his suit by two sizes (even ripping out the sleeve beyond repair). By using a gift card for a department store, we were able to buy him a new suit and pay just $40 out of our own pocket. So, to those of you who have slipped us one of those plastic cards - THANK YOU! Now, to review some of our recent adventures: We made the trip from Austin, Texas to California in two days time. Crossing the desert, there is little to look at. However, passing these three race car semis several times added to the scenery.