Moving is not an easy thing to do. In fact, surveys show that moving is in the top 10 leading causes of stress, as is relocating to a new country and losing a loved one.  I hit all three of those during our last move six years ago - we had just returned from furlough; we had one month to move; and my mom died 6 weeks after our return to Uganda.  However, because God's grace IS sufficient - I survived.

Back of house. Savannah climbing the fort that Keith moved over already.
Once again, we are faced with the need to move as our landlady has increased our rent by 50%.  Not only is this totally out of our price range, but we must pay our rent 6 months in advance.  While we are good stewards in putting back the rent money each month, asking us to come up with an additional 50% within 6 weeks of the rent being due is beyond our means.  We have, also, heard a rumor that the landlady is trying to sell this house anyway, so upon receiving counsel from several people, we felt it best to move. 

Front yard and porch
The choices for larger housing are very limited in our town.  (When I say "larger housing," I am relating to Ugandan size.)  However, the Lord brought across our path a house that is the mirror image of Keith's parent's house that is two hours from us.  The catch - it was in need of renovating.  By getting our advance rent, the owners are working diligently to get everything completed by April 26th - one week away.  We must be moved out of our present house by May 1st, so next weekend will be very busy!  We will be losing square footage, so it will be an adjustment in that aspect.  However, all plumbing and electrical will be new, as will be two bathrooms and the kitchen.  It is exciting to see the progress, but at the same time it makes me apprehensive as to whether or not it will truly be ready.

Kitchen - My kitchens keep getting smaller!
So this week, please keep us in your prayers that the transition will go smoothly and that we will all remain healthy (definitely taking immune booster this week!).  Oh, and the additional stress factor this time? Our oldest will be leaving us in just 3 weeks.  He is sad that he will get to enjoy our new house for only 2 weeks.


  1. Oh, Sally! I'm praying for you during this stressful time!!!


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