FURLOUGH 2020 Where Have We Been

Despite the restrictions many states have had on travel and meetings, the Lord has been so good to us in opening the paths before us.  In the 4-1/2 months since we have been back, we have been in 24 States.  

The variety of beautiful landscape God has created has given us many opportunities to say, "What a great Creator we serve!"  While in California, we were able to enjoy walking and wading in the Pacific Ocean.  I love to feel the warm sand beneath my feet as I walk the beach and watch the power of the waves.  One of our friends was stung by a stingray the week after we were with them at the very same place we had been to.  One of my favorite things to do is to pet stingrays at the aquarium, but I do not want to experience their sting!

Pacific Ocean

Poppy Flowers In Bloom

In Northern California we enjoyed forests, lakes, and hiking trails.  

Yosemite National Park

Yosemite National Park Glacier Point

Idaho surprised us with a beautiful canyon right under the highway that we explored with beautiful waterfalls and underground springs.

Malad Gorge State Park

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on July 4th

Tennessee was beautiful with its forests and Christmas tree farms.

Mountain City, Tennessee

After a Rainstorm

We are so blessed by the vast beauty God has created in nature.

What beautiful scenery have you enjoyed lately?


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