A true ice cream cake made by Savannah's cousins
It is already the middle of October, and I haven't even written about our last two birthdays.  Such is the life of traveling, unpredictable schedules, and unconsistent internet connection.

A whole family of readers
Stanley has turned 14 and has not lost any of his love for books.  He has surprised us by his accuracy in shooting, especially when it isn't one of his main interests.  He broke his glasses the weekend before his birthday, so on his birthday, the day we were leaving for another meeting, Stanley was getting fitted with new goggles (as the Ugandans call them).

And Savannah is finally growing into a closer age of what everyone guesses her to be.  Although if you ask her her age, she is likely to tell you 6 or 9.  Four days before her birthday we were at her cousins' house, and they stuck candles in the ice cream and sang to her.  Then Stanley and Dixie, a college student in our home church, made Savannah two cakes on her birthday.  She was given the royal treatment.

Heart Cake
Flower Cake

We have been blessed in our travels, long though they be.  The Lord has preserved us from accidents; the price of gas is going down; our children have been blessed with a guitar and violin, Keith with an elliptical and myself (well, the whole family) with a VitaMix. One of the most phenomenal has been the provision of all of the needed money for replacing our radio station equipment.   Hallelujah! 

Shiloh and Skyler at the Aquarium in Corpus Christi
We are in our stretch of four missions' conferences right in a row.  Please pray for our health.  In September we had two conferences back-to-back, and half of us fell ill.  We are doing our best to avoid a repeat, but allergies have already had me under the weather.  However, the messages this week have been just what we needed, and we have enjoyed meeting new missionaries and seeing their presentations.

Sisters are the best of friends.
Thank you for your prayers for us.  Have a great weekend!


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