We are very fortunate in planning birthday parties that all of our six children have different months for birthdays. However, Keith and I share a month, as does Skyler. Hence, August is very busy for us. Being the last born, there are precious few pictures of me. Keith tried to pull off a surprise birthday party for me, but a woman knows the heartbeat of her home and can quickly detect when something is up. Why is the spare fridge stocked with sodas? Where did this extra wheel of cheese come from? Why would my husband tell the girls they need to clean their room? But my husband does get an "A+" for trying, right? We really had a great meal and time of fellowship with two other missionary families. Good thing we have number candles, right? My darling daughter took over making my rice krispy cake 3 years ago. Rather than a shape this year, I requested caramel - chocolate - peanut butter - rice krispies. Aahhh - SO very good! ...