That was a long week! As I mentioned in the last post, I checked into the hospital Thursday, October 6. On Friday, the surgeon's mother-in-law (Christian lady who also works at the hospital as an anesthesiologist) came and sat with me as I was prepped for surgery. Several people told me, "You must be a very special lady for Mary to come in on her day off!" I know I'm no one special, but I serve a God Who enjoys sending special blessings. When Keith buys me roses, he always requests 1 yellow (Yellow Rose of Texas). I feel doubly loved as this one was a double bloom! The surgery went well, and the surgeon even shared pictures with me. The reason I kept having repeated bouts of swelling in Uganda is that the bacteria made pockets inside of my knee, so when I would get it aspirated to relieve the fluid, not everything was being drained because of the many pockets, so the bacteria would just regrow. However, the doctor said getting it aspirated 9 times probably saved my...